Sunday, April 30, 2006

"We Are Trying"

Many of you have been following the story of Promise and her 18 month old son, BK. I met them over a year ago at our medical screening in Liberia. Mercy Ships was unable to help the young boy and she was sent away. I was able to visit them in their home often over the last year. You can read more here .

Last September BK's father met a man from the States who paid for BK, his mother and father to go to South Africa to have the surgery he needed. A shunt was put in and BK was doing much better. Unfortunately, his doctors said that BK would not survive for long if he remained in Liberia, where the continuing medical care he needs is not accessible.

On my most recent visit to their home, Jim came with me and we were able to meet BK's father, BK Sr. This was the first time I met him. I found him to be a gentle man who cared for his son very much. He gave up going to computer school so the money could go to BK's care. He recently lost his job and when I asked him how he is able to get by h e replied with a common Liberian answer; "we aretrying." And he added, "if we don't keep trying we will go to an early grave." I have come to learn that this is the reality here and many "are trying" day by day.

Please pray for BK and his parents as they seek the best solution for them all. I will go to say goodbye tomorrow.

Promise and BK Jim with BK


At 9:53 PM, Blogger elizabeth said...

I will be praying for BK and his parents.
I am so thrilled for your new adventure and so thankful for the education you have provided me through your blog. You have shed light on issues and an area of the world that unfortunately our media sorely neglects. I will miss your updates from Liberia, but look forward to hearing the exciting things instore for you!
God bless you!
Elizabeth Vannoy :)

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Molly & the boys said...

Oh, Jenni, I am sitting here getting all teary. I will pray for BK and his parents. I love the picture of Jim. I am so glad he got to be a part of what your world has been like if only for a little while. I think you will be heading home tomorrow. I can't wait to see you.
PS - you look FABULOUS!


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