Friday, February 11, 2005

The One Motivation

"What's your motivation?"

I get this question asked of me from time to time but I find it is a question I ask myself on a consistent, almost daily basis. Why do I question my motives so often? Am I over-analyzing? Probably. But I think one reason is because I don't always naturally do the things I do with the right motivation.

As a missionary, I can easily get into a rut of just "doing my job". I tell people about Christ because that is why I was sent here and that's what I'm supposed to do and I need to live up to what I think are other people's expectations of me.

Or my motivation can be to "win" people to Christ. Some of you might be thinking, "that sounds like the right motivation." I have to disagree.

I first want to say that I believe that I am here to let people know who Jesus Christ is. I don't want to just do humanitarian acts without ever mentioning the reason why I do what I do. I want what I do to have eternal value. But my main purpose is to show the love of God to a hurting world.

When I thought about writing on this subject I asked myself what was God's motivation. The famous scripture of John 3:16 came to mind. For (because) God so loved the world, He gave... There it is, God's motivation was love.

A few years ago I was challenged with the following statement;

"Do I love people so I can tell them about the Gospel? Or do I tell them about the Gospel because I love them?"

You see, the first statement is relationship with a catch. I will love you so that..... The second statement I see as the way of Jesus; unconditional love.

So my question is, "where does all of our techniques of evangelism fit in?" "Our expectations on short-term mission trips to see a lot of people saved?" "Our reporting of statistics?" There is nothing wrong with these things as long as our primary motivation is sincere love. The word of God even gives us statistics (Acts 2:41).

Many say that our acts of love, mercy, and justice should be a channel to lead people to Christ. This too can be love with a catch. I don't see it as two different acts or as a "channel". It is what God commanded us to do.

St Francis of Assisi is credited with saying, "Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words." I don't totally agree with this because I believe words are important too but I like the point he is making. Our lives need to show Christ before our words do. How do we show Christ? We imitate him. And throughout the Gospels His acts of love stand out.

I will be the first to say that more times than I would care to admit my motivation has not been love in showing acts of mercy, justice and love. And I know God can and has used me in spite of that. But in my desire to become more like Jesus I will continue to ask myself, "what's my motivation?"


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Sandra said...


I definitely understand that dilemma. Working with the same group of children daily, my biggest struggle with them is how to love in discipline and justice, as well as mercy. When to teach and when to let my actions be the teacher is also is always the question.

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