Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Crossing the Equator

I'm still sailing and early this morning we sailed over the Equator. Yes, at 1:00am we passed into the southern hemisphere. I was sleeping but I don't think anything monumental happened. I did wake up at about 1:00 but I think that had more to do with all the water I drank last night before going to bed.

Sorry, there's nothing more exciting to report about this event but I have included a
Fun Fact about the equator and a cross the equator traveling riddle.

And I have a riddle of my own: how can someone experience three seasons (Spring, Summer, and Winter) in three days without ever leaving their home?

Answer: I just did it. June 20th was Spring, the 21st Summer, and on the 22nd it is Winter because I am now in the southern hemisphere and I never left my home.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger barefeetbilly said...

Clever girl.

I have never made up my own riddle.

At 3:39 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

many happy bow moments to you my friend :) s


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