Monday, February 14, 2005

Saying Goodbye...

I live on a ship with over 350 people. In this close community I have built life long, intimate friendships and through them have come to experience the true meaning of words like accountability, intimacy, confronting in love and just having a good time.

People are constantly coming and going on the ship. Some serve for as little as 2 weeks while others come for years. Weekly a list is read of new arrivals and departures for the week. In a way I've gotten used to it after almost 6 years.

But from time to time someone leaves and there is a noticeable void in my heart. I am thankful for this because it helps to realize that I haven't hardened my heart to relationships, but it is very difficult. Last night I drove two very dear friends to the airport and said goodbye. They need to return to the States for medical reasons. I am a better person for having known them and am thankful for the many hours of talking, crying, and laughing with them.

When I became a missionary I realized that I would have to say goodbye to friends and family at home and that was very difficult but I was prepared for that. This is not what I expected but the friendships I have made are not what I expected either, they have been beyond my expectations and for that I am thankful, but that makes saying goodbye all the more difficult.

Patrik and Diana, I will miss you!!!


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenni!
Being uncomputer savy, when your mom said you had a blogspot, I thought you had a disease I needed to pray for. :) Who would have thought, many years ago, when I was in prayer each week with your mom (how we prayed for our children) that you would be on the mission field, giving your life and love away. I am so proud of you. Thank you.
As I have moved many times, I know your anguish in saying goodby but also the joy in the daily adventures.
Blessings, Ginger
P.S. What is a blogspot?


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