Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I arrived back to the ship last night after a adventurous 7 hour drive from the interior of Benin.The Pastor's conference took place Friday night and all day Saturday. Over 200 pastors and church leaders attended to hear from the speakers. We were also able to do a Bible distribution.

On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, teams did 4 different workshops in various churches. The topics were training on: teaching Aids awareness from a Biblical perspective, creative teaching for children's Sunday school teachers, teaching Adult literacy, and Micro-finance.My colleague and I trained 10 facilitators from 7 different churches to teach Adult Literacy. In the future I will write in more detail about what I do. Please pray that they will start classes soon and the participants will be able to learn and be open to the Bible discussions that take place in every class.

The Jesus Film was to be shown Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. The first two nights obstacles were faced and it was not shown. On Sunday night it was shown in an open field with pastors there to preach and do any follow up. Many responded and God was glorified. I am thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to preach His Good News. Thank you for your prayers.

New Literacy Facilitators in Parakou Posted by Hello


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